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Travels with Zozo…and the Bears is the first book in the exciting, new illustrated series of travel adventures for young readers ages 4-8 years old. The series follows an adorable pet bunny, Zozo, and her human family on trips across the world, and Zozo’s adventures are filled with action and emotion, love and laughter.


For this story, the setting is Admiralty Island, Alaska, in the United States of America. The coastal island is a lush temperate rainforest and home to more brown bears than live in the whole lower 48 states combined. Zozo and her human family are on vacation to experience all that the island has to offer and to see what fun things the bears are doing.


After traveling across the Alaskan wilderness by floatplane and sea kayak, Zozo and her human family arrive on the island and mingle with the real – yet creatively whimsical – locals…

  • goofy, golfing martens,
  • tic-tac-toe-playing sea otters,
  • a bear cleverly disguised in a hollow tree trunk stealing a sandwich,
  • red-breasted sapsuckers, Stellar’s jays, orcas, porcupines, and many others.


A hike along the river takes them inland to a treehouse hideaway. From high above the rainforest path, they see brown bears in action – catching fish in the river, enjoying wild blueberries, and having all kinds of fun.


On their return journey, imagination and creative storytelling take hold, as Zozo befriends a young brown bear and helps reunite him with his family. Zozo’s newfound friendship grows while playing hide-and-go-seek, swimming in a river, and learning about hibernation.


Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the “hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable” pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized Alaskan travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Alaska while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages.


Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

Travels with Zozo...and the Bears

SKU: 5011
$27.99 Regular Price
$20.99Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Printed in the USA

    8.5" x 11" (280mm x 216mm)

    Weight .896 lbs, Spine width .25"

    32-page premium color

    Hard cover case laminate

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