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The tenth book in the exciting, award-winning series, Travels with Zozo…in the River Cave, takes readers to one of the world’s most beautiful, jungle river caves in Belize. The cool, dark underground cavern and its powerful river current set a vibrant scene for Zozo’s inner tube ride.


The story begins with Zozo befriending a young, green parrot. She invites him to join her on the river ride. Bouncing and bobbing, swirling and sailing along, the two share an adventurous float along the jungle floor and into a series of dark caves. Amidst the friendship, a humorous moment leads other jungle animals to enjoy the ride too.


Zozo’s adventure brings her up close to the whimsically illustrated tropical residents—goofy, giggling monkeys, parachuting spiders, a teddy-bear-holding baby bat, quetzals, parrots, and a multitude of other birds. The animals add depth and richness (and laughs!) to the wonderful watery landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book.


Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the “hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable” pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized tropical travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Central America while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages.


Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

Travels with the River Cave

SKU: 5103
$27.99 Regular Price
$20.99Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Printed in the USA

    8.5" x 11" (280mm x 216mm)

    Weight .896 lbs, Spine width .25"

    32-page premium color

    Hard cover case laminate

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